The Short type: if the matchmaking world will get you all the way down, Stephanie Lee can there be to raise you back-up. This expert dating and union mentor supplies motivational assistance to anybody facing challenges within their love schedules. Stephanie works closely with customers in individual sessions and makes individuals feel at ease together approachable and down-to-earth way. She’s in addition produced a card video game that imitates her coaching design of asking deep questions regarding really love, work, interactions, and life. Singles and couples could play the game with friends and nearest and dearest to make it to understand each on a deeper level. Stephanie helps make online dating and commitment information accessible to everybody in the internet dating scene. If you’re single and wondering exactly why you can not appear to generate a relationship work, look for Stephanie’s self-help publication, that provides suggestions about altering seven typical dating habits.


Four females had been playing a game of questions called the Sip & Share Card Game when the chat turned instantly severe. a card came up inquiring about surrogacy, plus it turned-out that two of the ladies in the team had experienced difficulties while wanting to conceive. They didn’t usually discuss their particular frustrations with others, but playing the video game motivated them to open up and locate help and solidarity among friends.

One of the ladies afterwards published to Stephanie Lee, the card video game’s originator, to say that the overall game had encouraged an emotional and healing time which could never have happened or else.

“When I had gotten that message, i acquired chills,” Stephanie stated. “i would like people to feel just like they are getting more than just a-game — they can be acquiring a perspective that may be life-changing.”

Stephanie ended up being taught as a specialist, but she’s got branched out over share her ideas with singles and partners nationwide. She has developed a great game and written a self-help publication to enhance the woman private training company. This dating mentor and union expert brings a positive frame-of-mind into the internet dating world and motivates people to make the alternatives that’ll make them profitable interactions.

“My focus is found on relationships since they are my personal passion,” she said. “we function mainly with couples and provide different items of suggestions about maintaining connections.”

Training Singles to Be the most effective they could Be

Stephanie helps women realize interactions from a new point of view. She works with singles ranging in age from 25 to 60, but she claims she’s got heard of ladies because outdated as 75 buying and playing her online game. Stephanie’s down-to-earth approach to matchmaking guidance appeals to feamales in all stages of existence.

“I’m immediate but transparent,” Stephanie informed us. “I don’t always overcome round the plant.”

Successfully myself offers many self-help services and products, including private strategy sessions with Stephanie. Customers discover speaking about their worries and blocks with a lifestyle and union specialist may be an eye-opening knowledge. These curative periods help folks get right to the heart regarding dilemmas and develop solutions and methods to improve their everyday lives. Stephanie mentioned she permits the client to search for the course in the discussion; her part is listen to make observations that reveal a particular element of online dating or confidence.

“she’s the opportunity to not merely support you in finding a solution, but she comes with the devotion and perseverance enabling their to obtain indeed there!” — T.H., a satisfied customer

Stephanie told united states that she emphasizes the individual’s power to transform their practices and improve their physical lives by using particular actions. She will be able to supply the method, but it’s up to the people to act.

By working with Stephanie in exclusive periods, daters get clearness on where these include now and the things they may do in order to get where they would like to be.

“Stephanie completely changed the direction of my actions,” stated C.C. in a recommendation. “She re-focused my interest on private responsibility, aided myself ascertain a few possible objectives, and provided me with sound suggestions about my personal job, interactions, and some ideas.”

Fun Games Stimulate discussion & Emotional Connections

The Sip & Share Card Game is the best online game to break out during a ladies evening in. Stephanie designed it herself, filling it with thought-provoking questions and prompts. The video game offers members the opportunity to delve deeper into who they are and what they want in life.

The questions can be about connections, professions, gender, or simply just life overall. According to the online game explanation, “No topic is actually off-limits, so sip… share… and start to become nosy!” The video game keeps things light even while opening up conversations on sometimes weighty individual matters. It’s chock-full of wonderful conversation starters created by a dating expert with a close look toward cultivating self-improvement.

Some ladies have actually managed functions across Sip & show Card Game since they enjoy the way it assists them talk about the real stuff with pals, partners, and household members.

Whether you are single or in a relationship, you should have an enjoyable experience examining the personalities of those near you and getting closer to your family.

Her Self-Help Book is Inspirational to private Women

“effectively solitary: preference or Destiny?” is actually still another empowering resource crafted by Stephanie Lee. This self-help guide backs upwards its advice with real-life tales from seven different daters. Initially, the book outlines whom these characters are, their own character quirks, their particular aspirations, as well as their lifestyles, immediately after which she offers guidance to every fictional character’s distinctive online dating circumstance.

Readers can decide which personality or characters match all of them well to get tailored guidance in a fun and unusual method. Available the book on Successfully us internet site or on

“I created a mash-up of story and self-help,” Stephanie stated. “If at all possible, I would like to turn the ebook into a set from the seven figures.”

If you’re not sure what is actually heading incorrect inside sex life, you can read this enjoyable and informative guide to determine the way to get from your very own method. Stephanie’s fresh take on relationship and relationships can encourage visitors to take control of their futures and shape their own destinies.

Stephanie doesn’t think any person is actually destined to end up being single, so she provides actionable insights to help individuals place on their own online and also make something happen.

Stephanie Bridges the Gap Between treatment & Entertainment

From inspiring heartfelt discussions to inspiring singles into activity, Stephanie has become good influence on a lot of people inside the modern-day relationship world. She provides genuine life lessons in fun and easily accessible methods with the intention that both men and women feel safe checking out personal problems in a non-intimidating environment. You’ll be able to acquire this lady coaching products here.

“My personal style is extremely relatable,” Stephanie stated. “we sprinkle glucose into the medicine in a manner that helps it be more of a confident thing.”

Her game, book, and mentoring present results-oriented exercise routines and methods for savvy daters in most kinds of conditions. And Stephanie dreams to accomplish even more for singles and partners in the years ahead. She mentioned she is enthusiastic about providing class back to matchmaking on truth TV through providing her solutions as a down-to-earth internet dating expert. She views great potential the truth is TV shows to transmit a confident message and bridge the gap between entertainment and self-improvement.

“After using the services of Stephanie, every little thing seemed to bond,” mentioned N. P. in a testimonial. “She assisted me to arrange and prioritize things in my existence, and supported as an empathetic listener. She gave me priceless solution and direction.”

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